This image shows Glykeria Duelli

Glykeria Duelli


Interim Professor, Head of Department
Institute of Sanitary Engineering, Water Quality and Waste Management
Department of Multiscale Environmental Process Engineering


Bandtäle 2
70569 Stuttgart
Room: 0.009


  • Process system design,operation, improvement and characterization combining various field of science i. e. hydrodynamics, thermodynamics and kinetics
  • Semi-empirical reactor modelling
  • Carbon capture and storage with focus on chemical and mechanical behaviour of sorbents and process upscaling
  • Selective resource chemical recycling with focus on thermodynamics and critical raw materials

since WS 2020

Thermal treatment of sewage sludge and phosphorus recycling

since WS 2020

The right to access environmental information: Application of the Aarhus convention-Seminar

Since WS2021

Sanitary Engineering

Since WS2021

International waste management

Since SS2021

Solid Waste Treatment

10/2022 – now

Interim Professor, Head of Department for Environmental Process Engineering, University of Stuttgart, Germany

07/2021 – 09/2022

Group leader, critical raw materials and resource recovery, Department of Pyrolysis, Institute of Technical Chemistry, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany

05/2019 – 06/2021

Postdoctoral researcher, high temperature processes for phosphorus recycling, Department of Renewable Fuels and Processes, non-universitary research Center For Solar Energy and Hydrogen Research BW (ZSW), Germany

2017/2018/2021 – now

Freelancer, part time occupation by the European Commission

04/2014 – 04/2019

Parental leave



Ing. Dissertation: Extended theoretical and experimental studies of the calcium looping process for carbon dioxide capture, Grade ‘summa cum laude’ Supervisors: Prof. Dr. techn. G. Scheffknecht, Prof. Piero Salatino, Faculty of Energy Technology, Process and Biochemical Engineering, University of Stuttgart, Germany

03/2010 – 03/2014

Research Scientist, Institute of Combustion and Power Plant Technology, University of Stuttgart, Germany

07/2007 – 02/2010

Basic Design Engineer, METKA S.A., Athens Greece, specialized large size company with turn-key delivery of energy production projects, Greece and other European Countries

01/2007 – 06/2007

Site Engineer, Aluminium of Greece Cogeneration Plant, 334MWe, ‘METKA S.A.’ (large size company), Greece

01/2005 – 04/2008

Master studies in Business Administration (Techno-economical Systems), School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, National Technical University of Athens, Greece, Thesis: Use of Structure at detailed statement risks (RBS) to a general recognition of risk integrated projects in EU programmes, Prof. D. Askounis

05/2006 – 12/2006 

Site Engineer supervising electromechanical installations, ‘Technical Office D. Dionisopoulos’ (medium size company), Athens Greece

02/2003 – 08/2006

Research Assistant, Lab. of Fuels and Lubricants Technology, Prof. F. Zanikos, National Technical University of Athens

09/ 1998 – 10/2003

Diploma in Energy and Process Engineering, School of Mechanical Engineering, National Technical University of Athens, Thesis on "Oil Spill Prevention, Planning and Response Measures‘  Lab. of Fuels and Lubricants, Prof. T. Kostopoulos, Prof. F. Zanikos


6 months grant by Epicur Alliance, University of Strassburg


3 months grant by Epicur Alliance, University of Freiburg


Patent (on going)


3 Year Marie Curie Post Doc Grant

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