Arsenic mobilization into groundwater

Information on our research projects in the area of arsenic mobilization.

Arsenic mobilization into groundwater caused by microbial iron(III) mineral reduction coupled to methane oxidation in the Red River delta in Vietnam

Geogenic arsenic (As) contamination in groundwater poses a significant health risk, affecting millions globally through the consumption of contaminated water. In the Red River Delta, microbial reductive dissolution of As-bearing iron(III) minerals coupled with anaerobic methane oxidation (AOM) has been identified as a potential mechanism for As mobilization. However, key questions remain regarding the prevalence and significance of iron(III)-dependent AOM in various aquifer sites, particularly in comparison to other available electron donors. In this project, we will investigate the microbial communities and metabolic pathways driving As mobilization in this region. By employing advanced metagenomic and metatranscriptomic techniques, we aim to elucidate the role of methane in microbial iron(III) reduction and its implications for As release. This collaborative research between the University of Tübingen and the University of Stuttgart leverages interdisciplinary expertise to enhance our understanding of microbial processes that control geogenic As contamination and their broader implications for the global methane budget.

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