Surfactant impacts from glyphosate application

Information on our research projects in the area of surfactant impacts from glyphosate application.

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Graciously funded by the European Research Council (ERC).

In a new project funded by the ERC, we take a completely novel route and focus on the impacts of surfactants from glyphosate application. Glyphosate-based surfactants are the second most abundant ingredients of herbicide formulations and therefore large quantities have been and are still applied in nature. Even though glyphosate-based surfactants are considered inert, the effects of the single surfactant compounds, surfactant mixtures and surfactant-glyphosate cocktails are unprecedented. We aim at disentangling surfactant and surfactant-glyphosate impacts on microbes, biogeochemical cycles, greenhouse gas formations and the environment in general by using an innovative and interdisciplinary multiscale approach. Collectively, the data collected through our studies can influence policy decisions and, thus, impact societal health.


Researchers involved in the project:

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