This image shows Eduard Rott

Eduard Rott


Research Assistant
Institute for Sanitary Engineering, Water Quality and Solid Waste Management
Multiscale Environmental Process Engineering


+49 711 685 60497
+49 711 685 63729

Bandtäle 2
70569 Stuttgart
Room: 0.007 (EG)


  • Environmental relevance / presence of phosphonates and their removal from municipal and industrial wastewater
  • Removal of phosphorus from wastewater
  • Development of application-related phosphorus analysis
  • Wastewater treatment processes (precipitation / flocculation, Photo-Fenton, metal-catalyzed photolysis, filtration, advanced oxidation processes, biological processes)
  • Detoxification of industrial wastewater
  • Methods for the determination of the inhibitory effect of wastewater on microorganisms
Scope of Activities:
  • Processing of research projects
  • Supervision of Bachelor's, Diploma’s and Master's theses in various national and international courses at the University of Stuttgart (Environmental Engineering, Civil Engineering, Process Engineering, WAREM, WASTE)
  • Lecture exercises in the modules "Entwerfen von Wasserversorgungsanlagen" and "Planning and Design of Water Supply Facilities"


  1. 2023

    1. Dittmer, U.; Scheid, C.; Wilhelm, F.; Minke, R.; Böhm, T. and Rott, E. (2023). Konzepte für eine blau-grüne Infrastruktur im innerstädtischen Bestand. Energie | Wasser-Praxis, 10, 48–53.
    2. Dittmer, U.; Wilhelm, F.; Scheid, C.; Rumberg, M.; Jaworski, T.; Rott, E. and Minke, R. (2023). Blau-grüne Infrastruktur in der Stadt der Zukunft. In 56. Essener Tagung. Proceedings, Aachen, Germany, 07.-09.03.2023: ISA, RWTH Aachen, FIW, IFWW.
  2. 2022

    1. Böhmer, H.; Veith, C.; Knappe, F.; Rott, E.; Minke, R.; Korbel, J.; Buff, T. and Grübnau, K. (2022, May). Leitfaden – BOHEI – ein Quartier stellt sich neu auf – Wie kann der Weg zum ressour-ceneffizienten Quartier gelingen? Heilbronn. Retrieved from
    2. Böhmer, H.; Veith, C.; Knappe, F.; Rott, E.; Minke, R.; Korbel, J.; Buff, T. and Grübnau, K. (2022, May). BOHEI – ein Quartier stellt sich neu auf – Qualitätsstufenplan mit relevanten Kriterien zur Erhöhung der Ressourceneffizienz. Heilbronn. Retrieved from
    3. Rott, E.; Jaworski, T. and Minke, R. (2022). Von der gesamtstädtischen Erfassung und Bilanzierung alternativer urbaner Wasserres-sourcen über die Verarbeitung der Daten in einem Erfassungs-, Speicherungs- und Bereit-stellungsmodell bis zur Planung von Betriebswasserspeichern auf Quartiersebene. In Aqua Urbanica 2022 (pp. 160–164). Poster and Proceedings, Glattfelden, Switzerland, 14.-15.11.2022: VSA & eawag.
    4. Wasielewski, S.; Rott, E.; Minke, R. and Steinmetz, H. (2022). Recovery of Ammonium Sulfate Solution by Regeneration of Loaded Clinoptilolite. Nanomaterials, 12(3), 525.
  3. 2021

    1. Drenkova-Tuhtan, A.; Sheeleigh, E. K.; Rott, E.; Meyer, C. and Sedlak, D. L. (2021). Sorption of recalcitrant phosphonates in reverse osmosis concentrates and wastewater effluents – influence of metal ions. Water Science and Technology, 83(4), 934–947.
    2. Reinhardt, T.; Rott, E.; Schneider, P. A.; Minke, R. and Schönberger, H. (2021). Fixed-bed column studies of phosphonate and phosphate adsorption on granular ferric hydroxide (GFH). Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 153, 301–310.
    3. Wasielewski, S.; Rott, E.; Minke, R. and Steinmetz, H. (2021). Entfernung von Ammonium aus Schlammwasser mit natürlichem Zeolith. In 14. Aachener Tagung Wassertechnologie (pp. 476–484). Proceedings, Aachen, Germany, 02.-03.11.2021: ISA, AVT, RWTH Aachen.
    4. Wasielewski, S.; Rott, E.; Minke, R. and Steinmetz, H. (2021). Application of Natural Clinoptilolite for Ammonium Removal from Sludge Water. Molecules, 26(1), 114.
  4. 2020

    1. Drenkova-Tuhtan, A.; Rott, E.; Meyer, C.; Minke, R.; Schneider, M. and Mandel, K. (2020). Removal and recovery of recalcitrant phosphorus species such as dissolved organo-phosphonates from domestic and industrial wastewater effluents. In IWA Nutrient Removal and Recovery Conference NRR2020. Helsinki, Finnland, 01.-03.09.2020: International Water Association.
    2. Happel, O.; Armbruster, D.; Schmutz, B.; Müller, U.; Rott, E. and Minke, R. (2020). Aktuelle Entwicklungen im Bereich der Phosphonatanalytik: Charakterisierung technischer Antiscalantprodukte und Bestimmung von Phosphonsäuren in Abwasser- und Sedimentproben. In 36. Sitzung des AK-Umweltmonitoring. Berlin, Germany, 28.01.2020: Umweltbundesamt.
    3. Reinhardt, T.; Gómez Elordi, M.; Minke, R.; Schönberger, H. and Rott, E. (2020). Batch studies of phosphonate adsorption on granular ferric hydroxides. Water Science & Technology, 81(1), 10–20.
    4. Reinhardt, T.; Veizaga Campero, A. N.; Minke, R.; Schönberger, H. and Rott, E. (2020). Batch Studies of Phosphonate and Phosphate Adsorption on Granular Ferric Hydroxide (GFH) with Membrane Concentrate and Its Synthetic Replicas. Molecules, 25(21), 5202.
    5. Rott, E.; Happel, O.; Armbruster, D. and Minke, R. (2020). Behavior of PBTC, HEDP, and Aminophosphonates in the Process of Wastewater Treatment. Water, 12(1), 53.
    6. Rott, E.; Happel, O.; Armbruster, D. and Minke, R. (2020). Influence of Wastewater Discharge on the Occurrence of PBTC, HEDP, and Aminophosphonates in Sediment, Suspended Matter, and the Aqueous Phase of Rivers. Water, 12(3), 803.
  5. 2019

    1. Armbruster, D.; Rott, E.; Minke, R. and Happel, O. (2019). Trace-level determination of phosphonates in liquid and solid phase of wastewater and environmental samples by IC-ESI-MS/MS. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry.
    2. Reinhardt, T.; Gómez Elordi, M.; Minke, R.; Schönberger, H. and Rott, E. (2019). Batch studies of phosphonate adsorption on granular ferric hydroxides. In 11th IWA EE YWP Conference (pp. 384–392). Proceedings (ISBN 978-80-7592-054-6), Prague, Czech Republic, 01.-05.10.2019: International Water Association.
    3. Reinhardt, T.; Rott, E.; Minke, R. and Schönberger, H. (2019). Elimination von Phosphonaten aus Abwässern durch Adsorption an metallhaltigen Filtermaterialien. In 13. Aachener Tagung Wassertechnologie (pp. 89–97). Proceedings (ISBN 978-3-95886-305-7), Aachen, Germany, 29.-30.10.2019: ISA, AVT, RTWTH Aachen.
    4. Richter, P.; Minke, R. and Rott, E. (2019). BoHei – Das Quartier um die Bolzstraße stellt sich neu auf - Integrierte ressourceneffiziente Stadtentwicklung im Heilbronner Süden. In Abwasserkolloquium 2019. Poster, Stuttgart, Germany, 10.10.2019: Forschungs- und Entwicklungsinstitut für Industrie- und Siedlungswasserwirtschaft sowie Abfallwirtschaft e.V.
    5. Rott, E.; Armbruster, D.; Happel, O.; Reinhardt, T. and Minke, R. (2019). Verhalten und Verbleib von Phosphonaten als Teil der gelösten organischen Phosphorfraktion. In 32. Karlsruher Flockungstage (pp. 33–44). Presentation and Proceedings (ISBN 978-3-945049-08-2), Karlsruhe, Germany, 26.-27.11.2019: Karlsruher Institut für Technologie.
  6. 2018

    1. Happel, O.; Armbruster, D.; Rott, E.; Minke, R. and Gast, M. (2018). Phosphonate in der aquatischen Umwelt (Zeitschriftenbeitrag). Vom Wasser, 116(2), 53–56.
    2. Happel, O.; Armbruster, D.; Rott, E.; Minke, R. and Gast, M. (2018). Phosphonate burden of the aquatic environment. In SEPAWA Kongress 2018. Proceedings, Berlin, Germany, 10.-12.10.2018: SEPAWA e.V.
    3. Happel, O.; Armbruster, D.; Rott, E.; Minke, R. and Gast, M. (2018). Phosphonate in der aquatischen Umwelt (Konferenzbeitrag). In Wasser 2018 (pp. 157–162). Proceedings (ISBN 978-3-947197-05-7), Papenburg, 07.-09.05.2018: Jahrestagung der Wasserchemischen Gesellschaft.
    4. Rott, E. (2018). Elimination von Phosphor aus Industrieabwässern. Wasserwirtschaft Wassertechnik, 5, 13 and 16–17.
    5. Rott, E. (2018). Untersuchungen zur Elimination von Phosphor aus phosphonathaltigen Industrieabwässern (Willy-Hager-Preis). In Wasser 2018 (pp. 27–31). Presentation and Proceedings (ISBN 978-3-947197-05-7), Papenburg, Germany, 07.-09.05.2018: Jahrestagung der Wasserchemischen Gesellschaft.
    6. Rott, E. (2018). Untersuchungen zur Elimination von Phosphor aus phosphonathaltigen Industrieabwässern (Nachwuchspreis Deutsche Wasserwirtschaft 2018). In Landesverbandstagung 2018. Presentation, Berlin, Germany, 31.05.-01.06.2018: DWA Landesverband Nord-Ost.
    7. Rott, E.; Kuch, B.; Lange, C.; Richter, P.; Kugele, A. and Minke, R. (2018). Removal of Emerging Contaminants and Estrogenic Activity from Wastewater Treatment Plant Effluent with UV/Chlorine and UV/H2O2 Advanced Oxidation Treatment at Pilot Scale. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 15(5), 935.
    8. Rott, E.; Kuch, B.; Lange, C.; Richter, P. and Minke, R. (2018). Influence of Ammonium Ions, Organic Load and Flow Rate on the UV/Chlorine AOP Applied to Effluent of a Wastewater Treatment Plant at Pilot Scale. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 15(6), 1276.
    9. Rott, E.; Nouri, M.; Meyer, C.; Minke, R.; Schneider, M.; Mandel, K. and Drenkova-Tuhtan, A. (2018). Removal of phosphonates from synthetic and industrial wastewater with reusable magnetic adsorbent particles. Water Research, 145, 608–617.
    10. Rott, E.; Reinhardt, T.; Wasielewski, S. and Minke, R. (2018). Organophosphonates: Environmental problems related to them and possible solutions for their elimination from industrial wastewater (Keynote). In Water Pollution and Sewage Management 2018. Presentation as Keynote-Speaker and Proceedings, Rome, Italy, 26.-27.07.2018: EuroSciCon. Retrieved from
    11. Rott, E.; Reinhardt, T.; Wasielewski, S.; Raith-Bausch, E. and Minke, R. (2018). Optimized Procedure for Determining the Adsorption of Phosphonates onto Granular Ferric Hydroxide using a Miniaturized Phosphorus Determination Method. Journal of Visualized Experiments, (135), e57618.
    12. Rott, E.; Steinmetz, H. and Metzger, J. W. (2018). Organophosphonates: A review on environmental relevance, biodegradability and removal in wastewater treatment plants. Science of the Total Environment, 615, 1176–1191. https://10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.09.223
    13. Wasielewski, S.; Rott, E.; Minke, R. and Steinmetz, H. (2018). Evaluation of Different Clinoptilolite Zeolites as Adsorbent for Ammonium Removal from Highly Concentrated Synthetic Wastewater. Water, 10(5), 584.
    14. Wasielewski, S.; Rott, E.; Minke, R. and Steinmetz, H. (2018). Recovery of ammonium from sludge dewatering processes for the production of ammonium sulfate solution. In Nutrient Removal and Recovery Conference 2018 (pp. 763–773). Poster and Proceedings, Raleigh, USA, 18.-21.06.2018: Water Environment Federation.
  7. 2017

    1. Rott, E. (2017). Untersuchungen zur Elimination von Phosphor aus phosphonathaltigen Industrieabwässern. Vom Wasser, 115(1), 25–26.
    2. Rott, E.; Minke, R.; Bali, U. and Steinmetz, H. (2017). Removal of phosphonates from industrial wastewater with UV/FeII, Fenton and UV/Fenton treatment. Water Research, 122, 345–354.
    3. Rott, E.; Minke, R. and Steinmetz, H. (2017). Removal of phosphorus from phosphonate-loaded industrial wastewaters via precipitation/flocculation. Journal of Water Process Engineering, 17, 188–196.
    4. Rott, E.; Pittmann, T.; Wasielewski, S.; Kugele, A. and Minke, R. (2017). Detoxification of Pesticide-Containing Wastewater with FeIII, Activated Carbon and Fenton Reagent and Its Control Using Three Standardized Bacterial Inhibition Tests. Water, 9(12), 969.
  8. 2016

    1. Rott, E. (2016). Untersuchungen zur Elimination von Phosphor aus phosphonathaltigen Industrieabwässern (Dissertation). Stuttgarter Berichte zur Siedlungswasserwirtschaft, Band 233, ISBN 9978-3-8356-7349-6. DIV Deutscher Industrieverlag GmbH, München, Fakultät Bau- und Umweltingenieurwissenschaften der Universität Stuttgart.
    2. Rott, E. (2016). Untersuchungen zur Elimination von Phosphor aus phosphonathaltigen Abwässern. In Kleines Institutstreffen. Presentation, Zurich, Switzerland, 01.02.2016.
    3. Rott, E.; Minke, R. and Steinmetz, H. (2016). Phosphonate als Bestandteil der gelösten organischen und partikulären Phosphorfraktion in Kläranlagen. Wasser und Abfall, 5, 21–27. Retrieved from
  9. 2015

    1. Rott, E. and Minke, R. (2015). Elimination von Phosphor aus phosphonathaltigem und organisch belastetem Industrieabwasser mit Fenton-Reagenz. In Industrietage Wassertechnik 2015 (pp. 186–191). Poster and Proceedings, Frankfurt/Main, Germany, 11.11.2015: DECHEMA, Gesellschaft für Chemische Technik und Biotechnologie e.V.
    2. Wasielewski, S.; Pittmann, T.; Rott, E. and Minke, R. (2015). Behandlungsmethoden zur Entgiftung von Industrieabwasser unter tropischen Bedingungen. In Industrietage Wassertechnik 2015 (pp. 211–216). Poster and Proceedings, Frankfurt/Main, Germany, 11.11.2015: DECHEMA, Gesellschaft für Chemische Technik und Biotechnologie e.V.
  10. 2013

    1. Rott, E.; Lange, C.; Kuch, B.; Minke, R. and Steinmetz, H. (2013). Elimination of emerging contaminants in wastewater treatment effluent using UV/chlorine advanced oxidation treatment (journal contribution). Vietnam Journal of Chemistry, 51(2), 133–145.
    2. Rott, E.; Lange, C.; Kuch, B.; Minke, R. and Steinmetz, H. (2013). Elimination of emerging contaminants in wastewater treatment effluent using UV/chlorine advanced oxidation treatment (conference contribution). In Istanbul International Solid Waste, Water and Wastewater Congress (pp. 525–526). Poster and Book of Abstracts (ISBN 978-605-6326-912), Istanbul, Turkey, 22.-24.05.2013: Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality.
  11. 2012

    1. Rott, E. (2012). Elimination of emerging contaminants in wastewater treatment effluent using UV/chlorine advanced oxidation treatment. In International Conference on Sustainable Concepts for Industrial Wastewater Treatment and Industrial Zones Management. Presentation, Hanoi, Vietnam, 10.10.2012.


Study of Environmental Engineering at the University of Stuttgart, graduated as Dipl.-Ing. (diploma engineer)

Oct. 2007–Sep. 2010

Student assistant in the Institute of Applied Mechanics (CE) and in the Institute for Modelling Hydraulic and Environmental Systems of the University of Stuttgart with the main focus in student support in the subjects "Technical Mechanics I-III" and "Hydromechanics"

Oct. 2010–Feb. 2011

Internship in Can Tho, Vietnam, within the framework of a Federal Ministry of Education and Research project for the development of an integrated wastewater concept for developing countries in the tropics, focusing on the "detoxification of wastewater from the plant protection industry"

Mar. 2011–Dec. 2011

Student assistant and diploma thesis on the "detoxification of pesticide-containing industrial wastewater under tropical conditions using the example of the company CPC in Can Tho, Vietnam"

Since Jan. 2012

Research associate

Dec. 2016

Completion of the doctorate (Dr.-Ing.) with the topic "Investigations on the removal of phosphorus from industrial wastewater containing phosphonates" at the Faculty 2 of the University of Stuttgart

  • Studies on the removal of phosphonates and ortho-phosphate from wastewater using metal-containing filter materials
  • Phosphonates in detergents and their environmental fate – Development of analytical methods and their application to samples of surface water, wastewater and sediment
  • BoHei – A neighborhood reinvents itself – Integrated resource-efficient urban development
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